FASP – Friends of Albrighton Swimming Pool

Parents, teachers and residents raised funds and built the pool which was opened in 1967 and a year later built the original simple changing rooms. These were given to Shropshire Council who promised to run and maintain it in perpetuity. The headmaster offered use of the pool in the summer holidays and at weekends & evenings in summer term time to parents and residents and thus the Swimming Club was established.

In March 2014 the Shropshire School Forum decided to re-distribute joint-use funding that supports the operation of swimming pools and sports centres, which led to a serious reduction of funds for the swimming pool. Albrighton Parish Council stepped in and funded the operating deficit for the pool from their budget year April 2016 – March 2017.

In March 2017 the Friends of Albrighton Swimming Pool Lottery commenced. Its aim was to support the running of the pool and to fund maintenance and repairs. Albrighton Primary School and the Swimming Club are also important in supporting the running of the pool and providing facilities to ensure that school children and members of the community can learn to swim and enjoy the pool. Local businesses and individuals have also supported the pool through donations. 

Our most important contributors are the Lottery Members who contribute on a monthly basis by standing order. Please consider joining the Lottery or encourage your friends, neighbours and family to join. The cost of a monthly membership is £5 but every £5 helps to ensure the survival of the pool for the use of future generations.

Our Partners

Swimming Club

Albrighton Primary School