The Friends of Albrighton Swimming Pool Lottery

The Albrighton swimming pool needs support to pay for costs and to ensure that the pool remains open for school and communal use.  An integral part of our plan to support the Pool is a lottery to provide a substantial, regular and sustainable additional income stream.  Contributors agree to a £5 monthly payment for which they are issued with a lottery number.  A draw takes place by the last Wednesday of each month and there is roughly a one in twenty of a chance of a prize.  If you would like to join us, please follow the link in the right column to complete the application form.

Lottery results!

The eighty ninth draw took place on Monday 24th June 2024. All supporters whose funds had been paid into our bank account by the 21st of each month were included in the draw.

June 2024 draw results:
The total prize fund this month was £432.50 and was distributed as follows:

First prize £173.00 243 Anon £50 Redonated
Second prize £86.50 180 John Marshall. Redonated
Third £43.25 42 Anon Redonated
Fourth £43.25 62 Julie Alcock
Fifth £17.30 54 Mrs. C. Smith
Sixth £17.30 214 Maureen Middle
Seventh £17.30 99 Bernard Johnson
Eighth £17.30 235 Angela Evans
Ninth £17.30 2 Simon Ramsden
Tenth Lucky Dip 32 Anon
Eleventh Lucky Dip 55 Paul Joseland
Twelfth Lucky Dip 74 Michael McEntee

Previous Lottery Results are available by contacting us.

If you are not in the Friends of Albrighton Swimming Pool lottery and would like a chance to be a winner whilst supporting this very good cause, just click on the link in the right hand column to access an application form.  Send the first part to your bank to set up a monthly payment and send the second part to us so that we can allocate a lottery number to you and enter you in the draw.  If you have any questions about the lottery please contact me at: