Lottery News
We are committed to continue our support of the swimming pool alongside our colleagues at Albrighton Primary School and the Swimming Club. We are also looking at further developing strong ties with local businesses, Cosford and other groups within the village. Every trustee has a remit to work with these groups.
We are also asking for your continued support. Things are tough at the moment and we appreciate the support that we receive. We do, however, need new members of the Lottery so that we can continue to support the funding of this local resource. Membership of the Lottery is £5 a month. The people who are members keep the pool open for £5 a month. More members mean that we can do more. £5 a month means that children and the community have a place to swim.
We would also like to thank those prize winners who have redonated all or some of their winnings back into the fund.
Where is the Swimming Pool?
We get asked this quite a lot so here is a map to help you to find this community resource:
We will be commemorating people who have supported the pool and will be happy to receive nominations.